Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Class Reflection 1.17.11

The power of computers in today's society really struck me in class today.  For instance, the fact that NASA was able to land a man on the moon using a computer 1/1000th as powerful as a wrist watch gives some perspective on just how powerful the computers we are using today really are.  This started to get me thinking of what the possibilities and limits of a computer in future generations may be.  Society has become completely dependent on digital technology as our professional, social, and personal lives are run through the use of computers.  Just how much farther can it go?  As we progressively allow the computer to control more and more aspects of our lives, will we eventually become completely dependent?  Although there are obviously many positives that result from this rapid advancement of digital technology, I'm beginning to think this revolution will become a handicap in future generations.

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