Sunday, April 3, 2011

Digital Fabrication Case Studies

CNC: KlingStubbins & Tocci office building in Waltham, Massachusetts
Pre-fabricated wood ceiling

Laser Printer: Threefold Architects green home in Richmond Park, London
Steel facade has been perforated by laser resulting in an abstracted foliage design

3D Printer: Various Architects Mobile Theater
Model was first tested upon new in-house 3D printer

Water Jet Cutter: Ji i Loubal commercial space in Pilsen, Czech Republic
Precision cutting eliminated the necessity of subsequent finishing.  Also, there is an absence of jagged edges, however, allows for the production of complicated edges

Robotics: Facade Muralist Spray
Robotic facade printer shoots balls of paint at surfaces to create a pattern
The printing software calculates the driving coordinates with respect to both perspective and ballistic distortion

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